Artist Spotlight - Aaron McBride

All Images the right and property of ©Aaron McBride, or the individual copyright holder. Reach out to Aaron McBride: Email, Facebook.
You would have a hard time trying to find a concept artist more accomplished than Aaron McBride. He's worked on some of the biggest blockbuster films including one of the biggest film franchises in the world - Star Wars, creating concept renderings for The Last Jedi and Rogue One. He's worked on other massively popular sagas - including The Avengers, Iron Man (one & two), Transformers and Pirates of the Carribean, to name a few! On top of those, he's also worked on one of my personal favorite CG movies - Rango. Amazing.
Aaron is also both the creator and illustrator of an ongoing graphic novel titled Tóraidhe. From what we've seen the artwork and overall concept is incredible. He's currently the visual effects art director at ILM (wow!) and lives in San Francisco and we couldn't be bigger fans.
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